Friday, July 24, 2009


Let's just get that one thing straight, and out on the table. Things kinda snowballed and got out of control this week. I haven't exercised in 3 days, I've been eating things that are really bad. So, today it stops. Last night I vented to my husband some of the things that were bothering me. That's all it takes sometimes. I just can't internalize my hurt or irritation or anger over things. When I don't express them, I eat.....really bad things. Today I feel better emotionally. I'm tired cause the baby is teething, but I can deal with that. I am going to pay my penalty for the week and reevaluate my weight goal for the month. Keep moving forward, right?


sabrina said...

Keep going, Tiff!!!!!

Tiffany said...

Not only do we have the same first name thing in common but dang girl just last night I was telling my hubby about my emotional eating and I was a addict to but in all seriousness. You'll be ok don't worry about the last few days, just get right back up and keep trying. P.S How tall are you ?

Tiffany said...

Tiff, I'm 5'5" :) Today is better, thanks for the support guys. The butter was calling my name and I really wanted something smothered in mayo, but I'm resisting. I am going to go for a run tonight....I won't let anything get in the way. I'm getting my determination back in place....Lock it down!!

sabrina said...
