Friday, May 31, 2013

June Whole30 & CSA Boxes

I know I promised you guys pictures of my CSA box.  Well, here they are, FINALLY.  A week late.  Sorry.  I've been trying to get my emotional crap under control. I'm adjusting to the summer schedule with all 3 kids home.  Plus, we're potty training (which is going really well, it's just... potty training.  LOL.  Moms will understand that statement). 

I had a mini meltdown while out to dinner with my husband on Monday. To be honest, I'm feeling better post-meltdown.  Apparently I was holding onto some stuff and hadn't acknowledged it.  It felt good to let it out.  It was slightly embarrassing to break down in tears in a restaurant, but I don't think anyone noticed... 

So, the month of May was pretty bad for me.  I made a lot of nutritionally poor choices.  The scale is up, which is a direct reflection of the choices I made.  Kristen at Change of Pace is doing another Whole30 in June.  I hadn't planned on doing another Whole30 for a while, but after some analysis of my behaviors during my April Whole30, I decided to do another, with the concentration on correcting food behaviors that are issues for me.  Mostly, I didn't correct my food issues last time, I just replaced the foods I was using to comfort eat.  Instead of eating 4 pieces of buttered bread, I ate large bowls of dried fruit & nuts.  Or nut butters by the spoonful.  Overeating is still overeating, no matter what the food choice. I need to focus on changing my responses.  I really like the way I feel when I eat whole foods.  I look and feel better.  I'm going to spend June focusing on making good food decisions, based on hunger, not emotions.  If I need to chew gum to help me through some of those phases, I will.  I'm not going to freak out if my husband marinates our steaks in beer.  I'm going to keep my green smoothies (dairy free).  June's Whole30 will be about improving habits and recognizing sub-par behaviors.  Positive steps forward.

Veggie portion of my first CSA Box

Berries anyone??

I snapped this pic for Instagram.  Love taking my workouts outside...

My 2nd CSA box... look at all that yumminess!!!
I also got strawberries, cherries and blueberries!

The kids, blueberry picking.
Dinner!  Such randomness, but sooooo good!

I won't be doing daily Whole30 posts, but don't worry, I'll post favorite recipes & meals along the way.  Last night's dinner is a prime example.  I grabbed what was available and it turned out fantastic.  I need to go grocery shopping today so all I had was canned salmon.  I made a quick salmon patty, topped with a fried egg, and a side of veggies.  If you've never sauteed radishes, I highly recommend it!  They are delicious!!!!! My husband (and I) were so surprised! I'm going to try roasting them next.  Supposedly they're delicious prepared that way too....

Have you tried anything new that surprised you? Do you have any goals for June?


Jeanette said...

CSAs are awesome! Mine introduced me to a bunch of veggies I normally didn't eat.

Also, good luck on this Whole30 and taking a look at eating habits as well - I find even when eating Paleo, I can fall into bad habits (ie. emotional eating) and need to be super aware of them.

Wendy Jeanine said...

I just found your blog. I have a Motivation Monday link up and we all get together with weight loss tips and progress. Will you join us today?