Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 3 Goals

Hey folks!  Hope your weekend was great!
I decided to sit down this morning and set a couple goals for the week.  While looking through my food diary I noticed that last week my calorie intake was a little low.  While it's nothing crazy, I want to make sure that I'm fueling my body properly, especially since I'm running again AND lifting weights.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not starving, but because of the volume of non-starchy veggies  and lean protein, I'm not finding myself very hungry. I am a firm believer in "Eat to Lose" so the main focus this week will be upping the quantity of food without sacrificing the quality.  I think I can rectify my "issue" by doing #4 on the goal list... 

So, on to the goals:
  1. Eat a minimum of 1300 calories, 1500 on run days
  2. Make dinner at home M-F ( I'm not a good menu planner)
  3. Eat breakfast before taking eldest child to school 
  4. Exercise according the plan without skipping anything
  • Sunday- Run 4 mi
  • Monday- Eccentric Weightlifting, Yoga  (Bonus:Walk)
  • Tuesday- Run 3 mi (Bonus: Yoga)
  • Wednesday- Yoga
  • Thursday- Run 4 mi, Weightlifting high rep/low weight
  • Friday- Run 3 mi (Bonus: Yoga)
  • Saturday-Weightlifting: low rep/heavy weight, Yoga
Do you have any specific goals for the week?  I'm always looking to expand on mine....
Here's to a fantastic week!


Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Looks like a great week! I wrote out our dinner plans for the week last night just so I'd be one step ahead. My goal this week is to follow my dinner and exercise plans exactly. It seems to never happen!

Unknown said...

I find that it helps me a lot to do as much prep for dinner in the morning (or on the weekend) that can possibly be done. It helps make cooking the actual dinner a much less laborious task and I am committed to making that dinner. Don't let me fool you, though, I struggle with that too! Good luck!

Lucy said...

Specific Goals: If I can stay away from the late night snacking, I probably would have lost double this month!

It's become a habit plain and simple. I don't begrudge the times I've eaten (late) bcs of hunger...but when it's "just because"...THAT has got to change.