Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weigh-in 1/10

Previous weight: 153.0
Current Weight: 150.4
Change: -2.6 lbs

This week was pretty much on point.  I've been starting my days with a "Power Smoothie", jam-packed with super foods and nutrition. I gotta tell you, I feel awesome (even with TOM coming). My energy is up and my cravings are down. 
I know I promised last week that I was going to do a "Super Food" post, and I still want to, I just have to find the time to actually sit down and write it. Sorry folks.  I feel like such a bad blogger sometimes, but there are times it takes me forever to write a post because I am constantly editing myself, rereading & rewriting. Finding the time to blog isn't always at the top of the list.
Anyway. I will do my best to get that taken care of in the next few days. I have the pictures all ready to go, I just have to sit and write.

Soooo, the ankle is doing better. I started exercising again this week.  I've been doing a random assortment of strength, hiit (high intensity interval training), yoga and yesterday I even managed a 3 mile run.  Today I plan on doing this:

And also the "Burpee Workout" which goes something like this:

10 Burpees/1 Squat, 9 Burpees/2 Squats, 8 Burpees/3 Squats, 7 Burpees/4 Squats, 6 Burpees/5 Squats, 5 Burpees/6 Squats, 4 Burpees/7 Squats, 3 Burpees/8 Squats, 2 Burpees/9 Squats, 1 Burpee/ 10 Squats. Rest 1 Minute. Repeat In Opposite Direction. 

I love body weight/basic exercises like these... and doing them in a ladder fashion means I can move quickly, not get bored and I get a good workout in a short amount of time. Hard to argue with that.

What is your favorite exercise??  I love squats and deadlifts. It's funny because four years ago, when I started this blog, I HATED squats (so much so that I wrote a blog post about it lol). Now, they are one of my favorite exercises. 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the loss this week.

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

You are my one upper! My husband and I say that about people that are always just a little bit better than us. You are always a pound or so lighter in your weigh ins! I weighed in at 152 today. You beat me! I love chest press and deadlifts. Makes me feel tough :)

Unknown said...

Running, ha.

Lucy said...

O.k., gotta know what's in the power smoothie!

I'm trying to warm to the idea of drinking smoothies in the winter :)

Congrats on the loss and all your hard work!

Ryan Cowley said...

Way to go on the loss!