It's time to catch you up on my weekend. I'll tell you up front that I made some sub-optimal choices. I had a few drinks, I missed a couple workouts, I ate some junk. I'm not beating myself up because it's life, and I'm back on track (mostly). I don't feel great about some of the choices I made because they just made me feel *ick*, but I can't change it now.
So, onward I go. The house is stocked with all my healthy staples, I ran 5 miles yesterday instead of just 3, I plan on doing a double workout today (weight training and a 3 mi run) and I'll be pushing the water hard the next few days. Mitigating the "damage" as best as possible.
On a side note, I want to thank all of you who took the time to give me your opinions on what to wear. In the end, while the favorite pick was outfit #2, I wore the black dress. The grey top is one of my favorites, and I have worn it on date night before, but I felt I would be under-dressing my husband since he wore his full suit and tie ensemble. The black dress was more in line with his outfit (and he requested I wear it).
So there you have it, you're all caught up. Here's to a great finish to the rest of the week!
Everyone falls off track. No one is perfect. I really think it's all about how you bounce back. Sounds like you are doing great though :)
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