Sunday, May 1, 2011

Move that Tushy...

Yesterday I set my goals for May. Today I've decided to commit to walking or running a minimum of 90 miles over the course of the month. And now I'd like to invite all of you to join me. Set your own mileage goal and leave me a comment. The more the merrier. Plus, it's motivating to tell others your least it is for me. Are ya in for "Move your A$$ May" ? I dare you...


Jess said...

I'm in.
Let's challenge each many days are we going to MOVE this week? Monday to Monday. We can do this!

Tiffany said...

Glad you are on board J :) Let's set the goal for 5 days minimum this week to MOVE...

Ryan Cowley said...

I'm impressed! I'm going to shoot for 50. I would aim higher but I usually have kids with me and they can't go quite as far (I know, excuses, excuses...). Thanks for the challenge!