Friday, August 26, 2011

Remember me??

GACK! I've been MIA for 3 weeks. Sorry guys! Things are actually going well, I've just been busy. The scale was stuck for a while but then I cleaned things up with my food and guess what?, it dropped (shocking, I know). This morning's weight: 153.6. So close to the official 50 lb mark that I can practically taste it. I know it's just a number, but it still feels like a major deal. What's even more important though is that I can wear my "skinny" jeans again. What a fabulous feeling! Another fabulous feeling...having to retire some of my other clothing items because they are just too big. Some are so loose it's slightly embarrassing. Time for a closet makeover I believe. And maybe, just maybe, some shopping.
Basically I'm just trying to live the best, healthiest life I can. I've been doing a lot of thinking and analyzing lately about what things are important. I've cut WAAAY back on my computer & TV time (partly to blame for the lack of blogging) and I'm trying to focus on being more active. While I love blogging, sometimes it takes alot of time for me to write a post. Rereading, correcting, rewriting, rereading get the picture.
As soon as I hit the 50 lb mark I'll post a new picture plus I have some new fitness goals and running priorities I'll be sharing soon. I promise! But for now, I'm gonna keep moving forward....


Ryan Cowley said...

Yup I remember you! Good for you cutting back on the computer. It can really monopolize your life if you let it! And great job on your weight loss to date. You are doing awesome!

Floriana said...

Well, I don't remember you since I just discovered your blog and started following, but I do recognize the feelings. Priorities are important. Good for you for switching to a more active lifestyle. Looking forward to reading more from you :)